⌝ A Platform-Fluid Avatar Study ⌞
Let’s make some procedural avatars that can we can embody across many different digital destinations.
How can our identities persist while moving between disparate virtual realities? Our digital lives are so fragmented across various platforms that retaining a consistent identity can be challenging. Attempts to take our avatars with us wherever we go has become an increasingly important consideration.
Cross-Platform Fluidity
This study aimed to create procedural avatars that can be used across a wide variety of use cases; as high-end CG rendered from Houdini, in dynamic real-time game engine integrations like Unity or Unreal Engine or even for usage in real-time social (proto)metaverse platforms like Mona & VRChat.
Procedural Avatar Creation ↓
These friends are generated procedurally based on a range of archetypal designs. We can get a huge amount of avatar variations on each theme by changing the variables and their applications.
Real-time game engine integrations give us the option to indulge in the high-end rendering that the engines have to offer whilst allowing users to pilot their avatars.
Download our .exe unity prototype to control the avatars here🔗. Press WASD to move & 1,2,3,4 to switch archetypes.
Interactive social platforms (the proto-metaverse) are where a lot of the fun happens collectively, with digital spaces for users to hang out in.
AI Expanded Universe
Using AI as a tool we were able to further explore and audition various parts of our expanded avatar universe for the packaging, with our avatars front and center.
Designed, directed & produced — FutureDeluxe
Research & Design team — Svet Lapcheva, Curtis Baigent, Dan Hoopert, Adam Samson, Ollie Harris
Music — Valley Heights